TIME: 3.15 Hrs        SUBJECT ENGLISH                    MM.:80


Q.1.Choose the correct alternatives-

i. The crofter was without wife or………..
(a) home (b) child (c) hut (d) hovel ( )
ii. Who composed the poem ‘Aunt Jennifer’s Tigers’?
(a) kamla Das (C) Adrienne Rich
(b) John Keats. (d)Pablo Neruda
iii. The crofter worked at the Ramsjo iron……
(a)mill (b)showroom (c) shop (d) wood
iv. Which of these lines is from ‘A Thing Of Beauty’
(a)At the back of the class
(b) Pass into nothingness
(c)See you soon,Amma
(d)Still ringed with ordeals

v. The endless fountain of immortal drink pouring from……
(a) the heaven’s brink (b)the heart core
(c) the mountain (d) the sky
vi. What kind of lady was Aunt Jennifer?
(a) bold (d) timid (c) beautiful (d) curious
vii. At what age Sadao’s father sent him to America for study ?
(a) 25 (b) 22 (c) 18 (d) 21. ( )
viii. Who was Tom?
(a) The prisoner of war (b) A renowned surgeon
(c) Sadao’s servant (d) A Japanese soldier( )
ix. The traditional dress of Japan is…
(a) Mosuo (b) kimono (c) Flannels (d) Kanga ( )
x. Where did the Peddler prefer to stay that night?
(a) At Ramsjo mill (b) in wood
(c) At iron master’s home (d) with crofter ( )
Q.2 Combine the sentence using the words given in brackets:
(a) Banks don’t lend loans to the enterprises.Her financial status is poor (whose)
(b) The period makes us wise.We face adversity then. (When)
Q.3.Fill in the blanks by choosing words given in brackets:
She took two weeks to …….the shock (get on/get over)
I ………children sleeping under bridges.(come down upon/come across)
The boy waded………. the water to reach his boat. (into/through)
What is the time……….your watch. (by/in)

Q.4.Read the passage carefully and answer the questions that follow:
Our opportunities are great but let me warn you when power outstrips ability, we will fall on evil days. We should develop competency and ability which would help us utilize the opportunities which are now open to us. From tomorrow morning-from midnight today-we cannot throw the blame on the Britishers. We have to assume the responsibility ourselves for what we do.
A free India will be judged by the way in which it will serve the interests of the common man in the matters of food, clothing, shelter and social activities. Unless we root out corruption in high places and root out every trace of nepotism, love of power, profiteering and black marketing which have spoiled the good name of this country in recent times, we will not be able to raise the standards of efficiency in administration as well as in the production and distribution of the necessary goods of life.
Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru referred to the great contribution which this country will make to the promotion of world peace and the welfare of mankind. The chakra, the Ashoka wheel, which is there in the flag embodies for us a great idea, Ashoka, the greatest of our emperors. Look at the words of H.G. Wells about him ‘Highnesses, Magnificences, Excellences, Serenities, Majesties. Among them all, he shines alone a star, Ashoka the greatest of all monarchs.’ He cut into rock his message for the healing of discords. If there are differences, the way in which you can solve them is by promoting concord. Concord is the only way by which we can get rid of differences. There is no other method which is open to us.
We are lucky in having for our leader, one who is a world citizen, who is essentially a -humanist, who possesses a buoyant optimism and robust good sense in spite of the perversity of things and the hostility of human affairs. We see the way in which his Department interfered actively and in a timely manner in the Indonesian dispute. It shows that if India gains freedom, that freedom will be used not merely for the well-being of India but for Vishva Kalyana, world peace, the welfare of mankind.

(i) What has Dr. Radhakrishnan warned us against?
(ii) How will a free India be judged?
(iii) What did Pandit Nehru visualise about India?
(iv) How can we raise the standards of efficiency at various levels?
(v) Find the word from the passage which means ‘favourism’ shown on the basis of family relationship.
Opposite of ‘collection’

Q.5.Read the passage and answer the following questions.
Child marriages are rampant in North India. The curse continues to blight the lives of people even as the country stands at the threshold of the 21st century. Children bound by marriage are victims of blind customs and superstitions prevalent in rural areas and in certain urban concentrations as well among the weaker socio-economic groups. Nothing seems to stop this anti-social practice despite the Child Marriage Act passed as early as in 1929, which makes child marriage, a grave offence. Why do marriages take place at all and what could be done to wean the people away from the practice? The evil thrives because of illiteracy and other related causes—the most important of which is the anxiety of parents to marry off their daughters as early as possible. In many states where illiteracy is high, like in Rajasthan, the practice of child marriage is in vogue. ‘Akhha Teej’ is D-day for parents of minor girls, for on that day, they seek their salvation from the anxiety of girls growing up in their midst.
A child marriage is less likely to take place if the parents are literate or at least the father is. He is then aware of the legal minimum age and health hazards his daughter will face by an early marriage. If the mother, otherwise literate, has been exposed to the importance of family planning, she is also less likely to solemnize her daughter’s wedding at an age below the legal minimum.Among the other factors causing parents to give away young daughters in marriage is the need felt by families having more than one daughter, to keep wedding expenses down. By marrying two daughters at the same time parents save on expenses. Parental anxiety about grown up (14 years and above) daughters going astray, forces the less educated to give away their female children in marriage.
The existing law was amended in 1978 raising the minimum age of marriage for girls from 15 to 18 years and for boys from 18 to 21 years. The committee on the status of women, in its report in 1974, had recommended that all offences under the child marriage restrained Act should be made cognizable and special officers be appointed to enforce the law. The Government however did not pay heed to it while raising the minimum age of marriage. At the same time, there is no foolproof system of registering births and thus, there is no legally enforceable method for establishing the age of a male or female.
The committee also recommended that a girl should be entided to repudiate a child marriage on attaining maturity even if such marriage was consummated. But this remained only a hope which was never implemented by law or in its true spirit. It has never been appreciated that what is needed is social action, especially by social activists and organisations so that the provisions of the legislation are rigorously practised.
The crux of the problem is that the girl child in traditional rural areas is caught in a situation, which is pre-determined and pre-destined. Her role is circumscribed around

(i) What are the reasons for child marriages in India?
(ii) How can the provisions of the legislation be rigorously practised?
(iii) What are the recommendations of the committee on the status of women?
(iv) Why is it often difficult to establish the age of male or female legally?
(vi) Find the word from the passage which means ‘most vital part of an issue.’
Opposite of ‘unnoticeable.

Section -C

Q.Write the answer of the following questions in about 20 words.

6.What makes human beings love life in spite of troubles and suffering? ( A Thing of Beauty)
7.What kind of ordeals is Aunt Jennifer surrounded by? (Aunt Jennifer’s Tigers’)
8.How did the Peddler feel on getting lost in the forest? (The Rattrap)
9.Why did the messanger come to Sadao’s home ? (The Enemy )
10.”I have been trained not to let a man die if I can help it”What does the line signify? ( The Enemy )

Write the answer of the following questions in about 30-40 words :

11.Why was the crofter so talkative and friendly with the Peddler? ( The Rattrap)
12.Why do you think Aunt Jennifer’s hands are ‘fluttering through the wool ‘?Why is she finding the needle so hard to pull ? ( Aunt Jennifer’s..)
13.Dr.Sadao and servants were only partly loyal to their country.Comment. (The Enemy )
14.The poet says we ‘wreath a flowery band to bind us to the earth ‘How do you interpret this statement.? ( A Thing of Beauty)

Write the answers in about 60- 80 words.

15.What was the reason of ironmaster to take the Peddler to his home? ( The Rattrap)
Write about the character of Sadao?
16.Keats is a lover of nature .Justify this in light of the poem. (. A Thing of Beauty)
The poem Aunt Jennifer’s Tigers’ portrays male tyranny in our society.Explain .( Aunt Jennifer’)
17.What difficulties Dr.Sadao and his wife Hana faced in saving the life of the American soldier? (The Enemy)
What was the peddler’s theory regarding to the world ?How did he himself become a part of it ? (The Rattrap)

Section -D

18.You are Dr Avinash Bhalla. You have received an invitation from the Director, Health Services, Haryana who has invited leading medical practitioners of the state to attend a workshop on ‘child care’ on 20 May, 20XX at 10 a.m. in Civil Hospital Ambala. Respond to the invitation formally expressing inability as having unavoidable meeting on the same day.
As the principal of Rana Sr.Sec.School,Ganganagar Draft a notice informing the students about the Republic Day parade.
19.Prepare a report under the Heading ‘Prize Distribution Function’. The Collector of your district consented for the chief guest. Word limit is 100 words. Some hints are given below for your help.

celebrate….. prize distribution function …..chief guest……. welcome………… garland………. Saraswati Vandana ……annual report…. make a speech.. give prizes…… claps…. rejoicing ….photographs …..national anthem.
Translate the following passage into Hindi.

Insert your ATM card into the slot at the door. When the green light glows push the door gently and move into the ATM Cabin. Insert the card in the slot indicated on the machine. Take it out if the machine allows otherwise wait for completion of transaction. Select the language of interaction. Enter the personal identification number (PIN) when ATM prompts. The ATM processes the information and guides you for conducting transactions.On completion collect the card. Keep your ATM card safe for using for the next time.

You are Aman/Aditi studying in Bharat School, Lucknow. The road leading to your school is very congested and full of potholes. Students and parents are often caught in a traffic jam. In spite of several representations, the government has not done anything to improve the condition of the road. Write a letter to the Editor of The Dainik Bhaskar drawing the attention of the government to this problem.

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