Chapter 1 English (Flamingo) Summary, Question and Answers, Previous Years Questions, Extra Questions and Answers

Mind Mapping of The Last Lesson Chapter

Quick Glance

The Last Lesson’ is a story by French writer, Alphonse Daudet. The narrator of the story, Franz describes a memorable final lesson given by his teacher, M. Hamel, during the Franco-Prussian War (1870-1871). The Prussian government had captured the french province of Alsace, and ordered them to teach only German schools from the next day onwards when a new teacher would arrive. The narrator pays a lot of attention unlike other days. There is immense sadness in the class because of the departure of their teacher.

Franz Gets Late for School Again

On a warm and bright day, Franz started for school quite late. He dreaded the idea of a participle quiz in M. Hamel’s class. For a short while, he entertained the thought of running away and spending the rest of the day outdoors but stopped himself

A crowd Gathers around the Town Bulletin Board

As Franz passed by the town bulletin board, he noticed a crowd there. No good news ever came from the bulletin board as they had discovered the past two years. This made him wonder if some bad news awaited them. Wachter, the blacksmith asked him to slow down as he had plenty of time to get to school. Franz thought that the blacksmith was mocking him

Character’s Mood

@Perplexed, Ignorant

Franz Enters M. Hamel’s Class

With much embarrassment, Franz made it to class, out of breath. At once, he noticed that the school was unusually quiet. Ordinarily, school was a noisy place where students opened and closed desks, repeated lessons loudly together and the teacher tapped the ruler on the desk. It was never that silent. He watched his classmates already sitting in their regular places. But when he entered the class, M. Hamel did not scold him but asked him to go take his place.

Franz Notice Many Unusual things in the Class

As soon as Franz sat down, he noticed several unusual things about the class. His teacher wore his best clothes, which he only wore when there was an inspection. The whole school was serious and grim. Some villagers were sitting in the back benches including the former mayor, old Hauser

M Hamel make a Few Announcement to Franz’s Surprise

M. Hamel emphasised the beauty and logic of the French language and warned his listeners to never forget it. He explained that for an enslaved people (here, the French), language was a key that could unlock their prison. Franz listed all the activities that they did that day. They did grammar and writing: history for the older students and pronunciation and writing for the younger ones. For once, Franz understood grammar since he was paying attention. Everyone worked quietly. It was a sad and solemn occasion. Franz noticed M. Hamel looking pensively out of the window and watched the tears fall from old Hauser’s eyes as he joined the students in spelling letters from his own textbook.

M. Hamel Dismisses His Last Class

At the stroke of the midday bell and the Angelus bell, M. Hamel stood up and tried to speak but was overwhelmed by emotion. Instead, he wrote ‘Vive La France’ and dismissed the school with a gesture of his hand.

Summary of the Last Lesson

“The Last Lesson” by Alphonse Daudet is a poignant short story set during the Franco-Prussian War. The narrative revolves around Franz, a young boy who arrives late for school and learns that it will be his final French lesson. The order has been issued from Berlin to teach only German in the schools of Alsace and Lorraine, reflecting the cultural assimilation efforts of the occupying Prussian forces. The story highlights the significance of language and the impact of losing one’s native tongue.

Throughout the story, Daudet emphasizes the importance of language as a means of cultural identity and resistance. Franz, who is deeply attached to his French heritage, feels a sense of loss and sadness as he realizes that his beloved language is being taken away from him. The story serves as a powerful reminder of the consequences of cultural assimilation and the erasure of linguistic diversity.

Furthermore, “The Last Lesson” explores the power of education in shaping one’s identity and fostering a sense of belonging. Franz’s teacher, Mr. Hamel, is portrayed as a dedicated educator who deeply values the French language and its cultural significance. Despite the circumstances, Mr. Hamel remains committed to teaching his students until the very end, imparting valuable lessons about the importance of preserving one’s language and heritage.

The passage also emphasizes the importance of language learning and linguistic rights. It highlights the need for comprehension checks and classroom discussions to enhance understanding and promote active engagement with the material. By encouraging students to actively participate in the learning process, the passage suggests that language education should go beyond mere memorization and rote learning, but rather foster critical thinking and cultural appreciation.


In conclusion, “The Last Lesson” serves as a poignant reminder of the value of language and the consequences of cultural assimilation. It underscores the significance of linguistic diversity and the need to preserve and celebrate different languages and cultures. Through the character of Franz and his teacher, Mr. Hamel, the story highlights the power of education in shaping one’s identity and fostering a sense of belonging. Ultimately, “The Last Lesson” serves as a timeless tale that resonates with readers, reminding us of the importance of language and the impact it has on our lives.

Theme of the Last Lesson Chapter

The theme of this chapter is the importance of language and the impact of language policies on individuals and communities. It explores the significance of preserving one’s native language, the power of education, and the emotions associated with losing a language.

NCERT Solutions For Class 12 Flamingo English The Last Lesson

Textbook Questions and Answers

Think as you Read

Question 1.

What was Franz expected to be prepared with for school 
that day?

Answer. Franz was expected to be prepared with knowledge of participles for school that day.

Question 2.

What did Franz notice that was unusual about the school  that day?

Franz noticed that the village people, including old Hauser, the former mayor, and the former postmaster, were sitting quietly on the back benches of the school, which was unusual.

What had been put up on the bulletin-board?
Answer : The bulletin-board notified the general public about an order from Berlin. It stated that only German was to be taught to students in the schools of Alsace and  Lorraine.
What changes did the order from Berlin cause in school  that day?

Answer : The order from Berlin brought all the routine  hustle-bustle of the school life to a stand- still. The teacher, M. Hamel, became more sympathetic to his  students and taught his lessons with more patience. The
students became more attentive in their classes. The  villagers, who were sitting at the usually empty back benches and had come to show their respect and gratitude 
to M. Hamel, regretted not going to school more than they did. The order also brought about a great change in the feelings of the people towards their country and their native language. There was a general sadness about not being able to utilise the opportunities of learning French when it was easily accessible.

How did Franz’s feelings about M. Hamel and school  change?
Answer : Franz was shocked when M. Hamel told the students about the order from Berlin and that it was their last French lesson. He forgot about his teacher’s ruler and  crankiness. He developed a fondness for M. Hamel at the troubling idea of being separated from him forever.  He understood the pain and agony his teacher was undergoing. And, he became more sympathetic towards  his teacher.His school too, now, carried a different meaning. His  books and lessons seemed old friends whom he couldn’t give up. He realised with pain how much French meant to  him and regretted not being attentive in his classes
earlier. Suddenly, he felt that the ‘difficult concepts’ had  never actually been difficult

Textual Questions

Understanding the Text

Question 1

The people in this story suddenly realize how precious their language is to them. What shows you this? Why does this happen?


The residents of Alsace and Lorraine come to realize the importance of their French language and culture when they learn that the German government is imposing the teaching of only German in their schools. This realization is particularly evident in the villagers’ attendance at the last French lesson to honor their teacher, M. Hamel. Similarly, Franz regrets not valuing his French lessons and heritage sooner, acknowledging the significance of his mother tongue, French. The external influence of the German government’s policy serves as a catalyst for this newfound appreciation of their language and culture.

Question 2

Franz thinks, “will they make them sing in German, even the pigeons?” What could this mean?


Franz thinks, “Will they make them sing in German, even the pigeons?” This could mean that no power on earth can deprive a people of their tongue. People learn their tongue from their mothers as pigeons learn cooing from theirs

Extra Questions and Answers of Chapter 1 The Last Lesson (Important Question for Class 12 English Flamingo Book Chapter 1 The Last Lesson)

Q.- Why did Franz not want to go to school that day?

A. M Hamel had asked the class to revise the grammar topic of Participles for a test. Franz did not know participles and feared the scolding. So, he did not want to go to school.

Q.- How is the mother tongue important to a person? What does M Hamel, the teacher say about it?

A. Mother tongue is the common factor which unites the countrymen. M Hamel made the villagers realize the importance of the mother tongue. He spoke about the beauty of their mother tongue – the French language. He asked the class to guard it because it was the key to their freedom.

Q1.- i. Why did the elders of the village attend the Last Lesson?
ii. Comment on the significance of the villagers sitting at the back in M Hamel’s classroom.

A. Berlin had ordered that French language would no longer be taught across schools in Alsace and Lorraine. The village elders were present in the class which was the last class of the French language. They were there to pay respect to the teacher, M Hamel who had taught there for forty years. They regretted not having attended school in their childhood days.

Q2.- What words did M Hamel write on the blackboard before dismissing the class? What did they mean?

A. Before dismissing the class, M Hamel wrote the following words on the blackboard – “Vive la France”. “Vive la France” means ‘Long live France’. It was a way of showing his love and support towards his mother tongue and his country.

Q3.- What changes did the order from Berlin bring about on the day of the last lesson?

A. The order from Berlin brought all the routine hustle-bustle of the school life to a stand- still. The teacher, M. Hamel, was kind towards his students and taught with more patience. The students became more attentive and concerned about education.

Q4.- How was Mr Hamel dressed differently that day? Why?

A. M Hamel was dressed in his special dress that he wore on a few occasions. It consisted of his beautiful green coat, frilled shirt and a little black silk cap, all embroidered. He wore the special dress because it was the last lesson that he would deliver in the school where he had been teaching for the last forty years.

Q5.- After sitting down at his desk, what unusual thing did Franz observe about M Hamel?

A. Franz observed that M. Hamel was wearing his special dress that he wore on selected occasions only. He was not holding the ruler in his hands. He was calm and kind towards the students. The village elders were present in the class too.

Q6.- Why was Franz not scolded for reaching school late that day?

A. M Hamel was very kind and calm that day because it was the last lesson in French. Berlin had ordered that instead of French, Germany would be taught in the schools of Alsace and Lorraine. So, M Hamel did not scold Franz for being late.

Q7.- How did M Hamel make his last lesson a special one? What did he emphasize on in it?

A. M Hamel made the last lesson by wearing his special dress to the class. He got new copies for the students which had the words “France, Alsace” written beautifully on them.

Q8.- How did Franz react to the declaration that it was their last French lesson?

A. Franz was shocked to know that he could not learn French anymore. He repented that he had not been serious before. He wished he had revised participles and would be able to answer M Hamel’s questions. Franz gained a sudden liking for his teacher and did not want him to leave.

Question. What tempted Franz to stay away from school? (Delhi 2014)
Answer. Franz feared a scolding at school as he had not prepared hte lesson on participles, on which his French teacher M Hamel was to question the class that day. Besides* the warm and bright weather, the chirping of birds and the watching the drill of Prussian soldiers also tempted Franz to stay away from school.

Question. What was unusual about M Hamel’s dress on his last day in the school?
(Compartment 2014)
Answer. M Hamel had put on his ceremonial clothes on his last day in the school. He was wearing a beautiful green coat, a frilled shirt, and a little black embroidered silk cap. This was a special ceremonial attire which he usually wore on days of inspection and prize distribution.

Question. Why is the order from Berlin called a thunderclap by Franz? (Compartment 2014)
“What a thunderclap these words were to me!” What were the words that shocked
and surprised the narrator? : (Delhi 2013)
Answer. M Hamel told his students that it was their last French lesson, as an order had come from Berlin that henceforth only German was to be taught in the schools of Alsace and Lorraine. This announcement seemed to be a thunderclap to Franz. He was left in surprise and shock to learn that a new master was going to arrive the next day and they would learn German instead of their mother tongue.

Question. Who were sitting on the back benches during M Hamel’s last lesson? Why? (Compartment 2014)
Why had the villagers come to school on the day of the last lesson? (Foreign 2008)
Why were the elders of the village sitting in the classroom? (All India 2014)
Answer. Some of the elderly people from the village were sitting on .the back benches during M Hamel’s last lesson. The villagers had come there to attend his last lesson as it was their way of paying respect to the master, who had given forty years of faithful service to the school.

Question.. Why does M Hamel reproach himself for his students, unsatisfactory progress in
Studies? (Compartment 2014)
Answer. M Hamel had been rather irregular as a teacher. He took leave whenever he wanted to. Besides, he had often sent the students to water his plants, and whenever he wanted to go fishing, he just gave them a holiday. So, he reproaches himself for his students’ unsatisfactory progress in studies.

Question.. What shows M Hamel’s love for the French language? (Foreign 2014)
What did M Hamel tell them about the French language? What did he ask them to
do and why? (Delhi 2013)
Answer. In his last lesson, M Hamel told the students that the French language was the most beautiful language in the world—the clearest and the most logical. He asked them to guard it amongst themselves and never forget it, because when a people were enslaved, as long as they held fast to their language, it was as if they had the key to their prison.

Question. What words did M Hamel write on the blackboard before dismissing the last class?
What did they mean? (Compartment 2014)
Answer. Before dismissing the last class, M Hamel turned to the blackboard, and wrote the phrase, ‘Vive La France!’ as large as he could. These words meant ‘Long live France’, and spoke of M Hamel’s great love for his country and his deep sense of patriotism.

Question. What made M Hamel cry towards the end of his last lesson? (Compartment 2014)
Answer. M Hamel had taught French at the school for the last forty years. He was emotionally attached to the school and everything in and about it. He was really heartbroken to leave it all. Besides, his own predicament reminded him that his country would soon lose its independence. All this made him cry towards the end of his last lesson.

Question.  How did Franz react to the declaration that it was their last French lesson? (Delhi 2013)
What announcement did M Hamel make? What was the impact of this on Franz?
(All India 2011)
‘‘This is your last French lesson.” How did Franz react to this declaration of M Hamel? (Delhi 2010)
What changes came over little Franz after he heard M Hamel’s announcement?
(All India 2010)
What did the French teacher tell his students in his last French lesson? What impact did it have on them? (All India 2009)
Answer. The French teacher M Hamel announced that he would be teaching his last French lesson that day because the orders had come from Berlin to teach only German in the schools of Alsace and Lorraine. On hearing this, all the students as well as Franz felt very sorry that they would not be learning their mother tongue in future. Franz regretted not having learnt his lessons. Earlier his books seemed a nuisance to him, but at that moment they became very dear to him.

Question. How did M Hamel say farewell to his students and the people of the town?
(All India 2012)
Answer. At the end of his ‘Last Lesson’,. M Hamel stood up to say farewell to his students and the people of the town. He tried to speak, but overwhelming emotion choked his voice. He then wrote as large as he could on the blackboard ‘Vive La France’; then he dismissed the class with a gesture with his hand.

Question. What was Franz expected to be prepared with for the school that day? (Delhi 2011)
Answer. Franz was expected to be prepared with participles that day. His teacher M Hamel, was to question him on the topic. Franz had not learnt his lessons and feared to be scolded by him.

Question. What had been put up on the bulletin-board? (Delhi 2011)
Answer. Since the last two years the bulletin-board had news of lost battles, the draft and the orders of the commanding officer. On that day a notice had been put up stating that orders from Berlin were to teach only German in the schools of Alsace and Lorraine.

Question. Who did M Hamel blame for the neglect of learning on the part of boys like Franz?
(Delhi 2011)
Answer. M Hamel blamed himself for the neglect of learning on the part of boys like Franz. He himself was not quite regular and took leave whenever he needed it, which reflected on the behaviour and studies of the students. He also blamed their parents for not taking interest in their education.

Q. What did Franz notice that was unusual about the school that day?
Ans: Franz noticed the absence of the routine hustle and bustle caused by the opening and closing of desks, repeating of the lessons and rapping of the teacher’s ruler on the table. The usual hustle – bustle was replaced by a strange stillness that was the characteristic of a school on a Sunday morning.

Q. What happened when the church clock struck twelve?
Ans: The moment the church clock struck twelve, they started prayer in the church and the trumpet of Prussian soldiers returning from the drill sounded under their window. M. Hamel stood up and tried to speak but his voice was choked. He gathered his strength and wrote on the black board as large as he could Vive La France and dismissed the school.

Q. What was more tempting to Franz rather than going to school?
Ans: Since Franz was not prepared with participles and was late for the school, he found warm and bright weather with birds songs and Prussian soldiers drill much more tempting than going to school.

Q What changes did the order from Berlin cause in school that day?
Ans: The order from Berlin brought to a standstill, all the routine hustle-bustle of school life. M. Hamel taught his lessons with patience and became more sympathetic to his students. The students became more attentive in their classes. The villagers, who were sitting as usual at the empty back benches had come to show their respect and gratitude to M. Hamel, and regretted not going to school more often.

Long Answer Type Question (6 Marks, 120-150 words)

Question.1. What changes did the narrator find in the school when the order from Berlin came? (All India 2008)
Answer. The order from Berlin prohibited teaching of French in the schools of Alsace and Lorraine. Instead, German was to be taught in the schools. Franz was late for school that day. He noticed that the hustle and bustle was missing. There was no opening and closing of desks, no repetition of lessons or rapping of the teacher’s ruler on the table could be heard. It was all very quiet and still.
Franz was further surprised because, instead of meeting an angry teacher, he was welcomed by a kind and polite teacher, who was dressed in his best clothes, a beautiful green coat, frilled shirt and an embroidered silk cap, which he wore only on inspection and prize days. The back benches were occupied by the village people who never came to school, as they were more concerned about their livelihood. He was further astounded to know that , M Hamel was going to teach his last lesson that day.

Q2. Franz thinks, “Will they make them sing in German, even the pigeons?”
After reading the chapter, you realise that man has an intense desire to subjugate others. You feel that in the modern world, there is a strong need for brotherhood. Write an article in about 120-150 words for a national magazine on this.
Ans: In the chapter ‘The Last Lesson’ , France lost two districts to Germany. The Germans issue the order that the school will now solely offer education in German.Franz hears the pigeons on the roof chirping in a quiet voice as he enters his final French class. He speculates whether the Germans will make the pigeons sing in German as well. This comment was made by a French boy in response to being forced to learn German. This demonstrates how far the Germans would go in their pursuit of linguistic chauvinism. This proves that man has a strong desire to control and impose his will on other people. Compassion, tolerance, and brotherhood are desperately needed in our violent world if we are to find peace and prosperity.

Character Sketches

Character Sketch of M. Hamel

Mr. M.Hamel was a French teacher who had been teaching for forty years in the school at Alsace. He was a strict teacher who always kept an iron ruler under his arm in order to punish the children for not doing their work. He thought for the welfare of the children and their better future. He was disciplined and honest towards his duties. Having heard about the order that came from Berlin, he got too depressed & emotional on his last day. He taught everybody the importance of his mother tongue and requested them to guard their language because it is the only key to escape from the prison of slavery. He was very honest, patriotic and hard working person. He believed that French was the clearest and logical language. He knew that was his last day in the school, yet he performed his duties seriously and taught his last lesson in the class with great patience which shows how dutiful he was towards his duties. He held himself and the parents responsible for the poor performance of the people of Alsace. All the students and villagers present in the class had tears and regret in their eyes for not knowing their own language. After teaching them the lessons, M. Hamel stood up and tried to say something but his throat got choked then he bade farewell to the students by writing “Vive La France “on the board which means ‘long live France’.

Character Sketch of Franz

Franz was a boy who lived in the district of Alsace. He studied in one of the schools in Alsace. He was not fond of attending school and studying. He liked the out world more than the environment of the school. Learning French was something he never gave much importance to. He was scared of his French teacher M. Hamel. The time when the people of Alsace came to know that as per the new law, German would be taught in the school in the place of French, he experienced a different feeling for French altogether. Apart from being surprised, he felt sorry for himself for not paying attention while studying French. He was very disappointed and sorry to attend the last lesson of French in his school.

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