Exclamatory Sentence: Definition, types and examples

What is an Exclamatory Sentence?

Def: An exclamatory sentence is a type of sentence that expresses strong emotion, surprise, excitement, or urgency. These sentences often end with an exclamation mark (!) to convey the intensity of the emotion.

According to the Cambridge Dictionary, an exclamatory sentence is defined as “a sentence containing an exclamation or strong emphasis”

The Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines the term ‘exclamation’ as “ a sharp or sudden utterance” or a “vehement expression of protest or complaint.” This is what an exclamatory sentence is meant to do as well.

Examples of Exclamatory Sentences:

Alas! My goat has died.

Wow, that’s amazing!

Types of Exclamatory Sentences

What is an Exclamatory Sentence?
What is an Exclamatory Sentence?

Declarative Exclamatory Sentence.

Def: A declarative exclamatory sentence combines elements of both a declarative sentence (making a statement) and an exclamatory sentence (expressing strong emotion).

Examples of Declarative Exclamatory Sentence.

  • We won the championship!
  • He got the first prize!
  • “Phew, I’m glad that’s over!”
  • Bravo! The performance of the actors was truly impressive.
  • Close the door!

Interrogative Exclamatory Sentence.

Def: An interrogative exclamatory sentence combines elements of both an interrogative sentence (asking a question) and an exclamatory sentence (expressing strong emotion).

Examples of Interrogative Exclamatory Sentence.

  • What on earth were they thinking!
  • Did you hear the news!

Imperative Exclamatory Sentence.

Def: An imperative exclamatory sentence combines elements of both an imperative sentence (giving a command or making a request) and an exclamatory sentence (expressing strong emotion).

Examples of Imperative Exclamatory Sentence.

  • Close the door!
  • Get out!

Common words used in exclamatory sentences

  • Wow
  • What…!
  • How…!
  • Oh my god!
  • Alas!
  • Oh!
  • Amazing!
  • Incredible!
  • Ouch
  • Hey
  • Phenomenal!
  • Outrageous!
  • Yay
  • Help
  • Congratulations
  • Amazing
  • Marvelous!
  • Astounding!
  • Fantastic
  • Incredible
  • Wonderful
  • Marvelous
  • Bravo!
  • Hooray!
  • Hurrah!
  • Wow!
  • Fantastic!
  • Brilliant!
  • Splendid!
  • Fabulous!

Examples of Exclamatory:

  1. Wow! That magic trick was incredible!
  2. Oh no! I left my key at home.
  3. Amazing! You did an outstanding job on the project.
  4. Fantastic! We won the championship!
  5. What a beautiful day it is!
  6. I can’t believe I won the lottery!
  7. Help! Someone call the police!
  8. Wow, that’s amazing!
  9. Wonderful! What a beautiful sunset!
  10. Oh my goodness! I can’t believe you’re here!
  11. miss college.
  12. You have really big eyes.
  13. That is good news.
  14. It was a surprise.
  15. Great! You aced the exam—congratulations!
  16. Yay! We’re going on vacation next week!
  17. “Wow, that’s amazing!”
  18. “Oh no, I forgot my keys!”
  19. “Yay, we won the game!”
  20. “Ouch, that hurt!”
  21. “Phew, I’m glad that’s over!”
  22. Bravo! The performance of the actors was truly impressive.
  23. Terrific! This meal tastes amazing.
  24. Superb! Your painting skills are superb!
  25. Marvelous! What a marvelous idea for the party theme.
  26. Oh dear! I forgot to send in my application.
  27. Remarkable! Your achievements are truly remarkable.
  28. Astonishing! The magician’s tricks were astonishingly good.
  29. Hooray! We reached our fundraising goal for the charity event!
  30. How fast the horse is running!

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