Letter Writing – Fixed Format, Different Types with Examples, Writing Tips

Letter Writing

Introduction: Letter Writing is the most common means of communication know to manking today. Every educated person should know how to write a clear and good letter. Everyone has to write a letter of some sorts, or may have to face a problem of writing an important letter that will aggect his interests in life.

This article will take you through the following topics..

  • What is letter Writing?
  • The form of letters
  • Classification of Letters
  • Format
  • Marking scheme
  • Tips

What is Letter Writing?

A letter is a written message conveyed from one person (or group of people) to another through a medium. Something epistolary means that it is a form of letter writing.Letter writing has been deemed as one of the most useful forms learnt and used for various reasons. There are several kinds of letters,

There are certain parts of letters and these may be explained first.

  • DATE

Sender Address

The writer’s complete postal address has to be mentioned at the beginning of the letter on the left-hand side of the paper. this informs the reader from where you wrote. (which should be full posatal address.)

96 Rani Marg   
Near Sanganer Airport      


It lets the recipient know when exactly the letter was written,the date may be writtern in any of the following.

16 August 2024
August 16, 2024
22nd April 2024

Receiver’s Address

The Manager
Tata and sons Company
Mumbai West 400001

Salutation or Greetings

The form of Greeting will depend upon the relation in which you stand To members of your family, to the person to whom you are composing.

For Family Members it will be:

For example:

Dear Father/Mother/Sister/Brother/Uncle/Payal etc.

For Friends it will be:

Dear Raj/Reena/Friend etc.

For Business it will be:

Dear Sir/Ma’am/Sirs, Sir/Ma’am etc.

Note: “Dear” word is completely formal word. It does not add any extra affection

Message or Body of the Letter

This is the letter itself, of course, and how you write it will depend on the type of letter you want to write. letter to close friend will sound significantly different from one that is solely business-related.

  1.  Break up your letter into paragraphs to indicate changes in subject matter, etc
  2. Speak in brief, straightforward terms. Avoid attempting to sound poetic or using lengthy terms .
  3. Aim to be thorough. When you have to add postscripts at the end of a letter, it is an indication of sloppy thinking. Before you start writing, consider what you want to convey and arrange your ideas logically.
  4. Type legibly. Keep in mind that your contact must read what you write, so avoid causing him needless bother by using poor
  5. Irrespective of the seriousness of the matter, it is necessary to be polite and respectful in all forms of communication, including letter writing.
  6. The use of simple language is highly recommended

Courteous End

it is written beneath the communication or body of the letters.

  • With my best regards to parents and love to Bitti.
  • With Best Regards
  • with best wishes
  • with deep sympathy


The subscription assists you in concluding the letter in a polite and respectful way. Depending on the kind of letter you are composing, different subscriptions apply. It can be written as

    • Yours Faithfully
    • Yours Sincerly
    • Yours Truely/Truly
    • Yours Obediently
    • Your sincere Friend
    • Yours affectiionely

Signature or Name of the Writer

It must be written below the Subscription: Such as
Yours Truly

Some Important Tips for Letter Writtings

  1. Before writing the letter, read the question carefully and ensure that who will write a letter to whom and on what subject?  The entire letter should be written from beginning to end leaving appropriate space on the left side.
  2. At the top, write the address of the person writing the letter as described earlier and leave some space below it and write the date of writing the letter.  Below the date, the address letter should be written out of respect for the recipient.
  3. After the address, start the communication with a new paragraph.  Sentences should be written in short, understandable and clear language.  There should be uniformity and consistency of ideas in each paragraph.
  4. The letter should be concluded with appropriate polite expression towards the recipient of the letter or the concerned family member.  After a polite conclusion, write the subscription (the last part) as described earlier, leaving appropriate space.
  5. At the end of the letter, write the name of the person writing the letter as per the question.  If that name does not appear in the question.

Marking Scheme

The CBSE will ask one letter question for five marks (with internal choice) under the new pattern. According to the proposed pattern, the breakdown of marks would be as follows:


  1. The salutation, subject, sender’s address, recipient’s address are all included in the title. The letter’s subject line should be clearand comprehensive.


  1. It is the main body of a letter. It should be within 120-150 words for formal letters and 100-120 words for Job Application letters
  2. The topic given in the question must be included in the content smartly. The facts given should be precise yet deliver all the essential information.
  3. All social issues, problems, complaints, orders, and job applications should be thorough and logical. Should address all of the suggested value points in the question.
  4. The entire composition should be divided into paragraphs that are linked to one another. There should be a logical link between the paragraphs.
  5. The first few sentences should state the purpose of writing or the introduction of the issue, the middle section should provide comprehensive facts and details about it, and the last few lines should state hope, request, or concluding comment.


  1. Grammatical accuracy, spellings, and the structure of the sentence are the main check points
  2. and the last but not the least : the overall quality of writing is judged to decide whether you will be given 1 mark or not.


Letter Writing Format
Letter Writing Format


Business Letter

1. You are Randeep. You are the owner of Gada Electronics. Write a letter to Kushal Mobile World to get their price list and catalog.


Write a letter to Krishna Mobile World to learn about their business terms and conditions.

Gada Electronics
Andheri East

March 8, 20XX

Krishna Mobile World
Old Mukherjee Nagar
New Delhi

Subject: To know your price list and catalogue.


     Most honorary,  We are glad to inform you that we want to make a deal with your company for the first time. We have a big showroom of electronics items in Mumbai. Please let us know your price list, catalog, and business terms and conditions.
-discount policy on cash or credit
-packaging charges
-transportation charges
We hope our request will be accepted soon.
Thanking you
Yours faithfully

2. You are Ramakant Gupta, owner of Kartik book store Makrana. Write a letter to Rajasthan Book Depot, Ajmer, to place an order for 500 books, 500 note books, 100 packets of pens.

Kartik Book Store
Near Railway Station

March 8, 2021

Rajasthan Book Depot
Near the railway station

Subject: to place an order

  Most honorary, we are glad to inform you that we are going to make a deal with your company because we have liked your price list and catalog, so you are requested to send these items.


Make sure that the order will be delivered before October 18, 20XX.
I hope my request will be accepted soon.
Thanking you
Yours faithfully
Ramakant Gupta

You are Rajat. You bought a washing machine from Bajaj and Sons, New Delhi. Write a complaint letter to the dealer to have it replaced because it started giving you trouble.

77 Ganpati Villa
Avadh Marg

March 9, 20XX

Bajaj and his sons
Gandhi Circle
New Delhi

Subject: To replace a washing machine
Most honorary, I am sorry to inform you that we bought a washing machine from your soap last month on February 14. The bill number is VJP2120, but it has started giving us troubles such as water leakage and a dryer that is not working properly. It also shocked us many times. So you are asked to replace it as soon as possible.
I hope my request will be accepted soon.
Thanking you
Yours faithfully

You are Rahul Kumar, owner of MS Pratibha Private Limited. Write a letter to Manohar Traders to make the outstanding payment of ₹600000 as soon as possible.

MS Pratibha Private Limited

March 10, 20XX

Manohar Traders
Shiv Kashi

Subject: For the outstanding payment

                 Most honorary, we are honored to inform you that your company has dealt with us for a long time. But there is something wrong these days. We want to bring your kind attention to an outstanding payment of Rs 6 lakh. We have complained often but have gotten no response on this matter. So, you are requested to pay this outstanding amount as soon as possible; otherwise, we have to take action against you.

We hope our request will be accepted soon.

Thank you
Yours faithfully

You are Kamal Hasan, owner of Panda Mobile Station. Write a letter to Pandit Private Limited to settle the discount on cash and on credit.

Panda Mobile Station
Bada Bazar

March 10, 20XX

Pandit Pvt. Ltd.

Subject: for settlement of discounts on cash and on credit.

                     Most honorary, we are glad to inform you that we want to make a deal with your company. So, we want to discuss your discount system, as your policy is that you offer a 15% discount on cases and a 12% discount on credit. We want to make some concessions on the discount for a new business relationship.
We hope our request will be accepted soon.

Thank you
Yours faithfully
Kamal Hasan

Official Letter


Triveni Nagar

March 10, 20XX

The Manager
Taj Hotel



         Most honorary,  It is a matter of great regret that, in this modern era where everything is available at our door, ………………………. ………………….. …………………………………. ……………………….. …………………………………. …………………………………………………………..  ………………………………………………… ………………………………….We have been facing these issues for a long time. We have complained often but have gotten no response from the concerned authorities. They do nothing but pretend. So you are humbly requested to do something favorable for the welfare of the students, girls, boys, citizens, and people. I/we hope our request will be accepted soon.

Thanking you
Yours faithfully


You are Vishnu, studying in class 12. Write a complaint letter to the principal about the bad condition of your classroom.

Class 12th
Room No. 16

March 13, 20XX

The Principal
Saint George School

Subject: For the bad condition of the classroom.

Most honorary,  It is a matter of great regret that our classroom’s condition is in very bad condition. Our classroom is in need of urgent repair. There is dampness in the walls and the roof. It not only smells bad but the plaster has also started coming off the walls. This may pose health hazards in the approaching winter. Moreover, students cannot concentrate on their lessons with uncomfortable surroundings We have been facing these issues for a long time. We have complained often but have gotten no response from the concerned authorities. They do nothing but pretend. So you are humbly requested to do something favorable for the welfare of the people.

I hope my request will be accepted soon.
Thanking you
Yours faithfully

You are Ravi, living in Mohan Nagar, Jaipur. Write a complaint letter to the municipal commissioner about the bad condition of your street.

Mohan Nagar
M.I. Road

March 19, 20XX

Municipal Commissioner
Municipal Corporation

Subject: for the bad condition of the street in our locality.

                Most honorary, Most honorary, It is a matter of great regret that,The street lights in our area have not been repaired for quite a while. Only a few of them are functioning. At various places, there are no street lights at all. The situation turns worse after sunset. Many small accidents have happened due to poor visibility and there remains a danger of some major accident. It is highly dangerous for pedestrians as it turns too dark in the night. It has also caused a spurt in the incidence of crime in our area. We have been facing these issues for a long time. We have complained often but have gotten no response from the concerned authorities. They do nothing but pretend. So you are humbly requested to do something favorable for the welfare of the people.
I hope my request will be accepted soon.

Thanking you
Yours faithfully

You are Rahul. You visited Suncity Hospital in Manali. Write a complaint later to the chairman of the hospital about the bad condition of the hospital.

Harleen Road
Near Snow Park

March 16, 20XX

The Chairman
Suncity Hospital

Subject: about the bad condition of the hospital.


                    Most honorary, most honorary, It is a matter of great regret that, in this modern era where everything is available at our door, The present condition of the hospitals is becoming more and more serious day by day. All the hospitals are over crowded, unclean, unhygienic and utterly mismanaged. The unfortunate ailing patients come here to meet death quickly. They do not get proper treatment, proper medicine and hygienic food. A single bed is shared by more than one patient. Many patients have to lie on the floors. The hospital premises are full of dirt and garbage. It is surprising that though these hospitals have a number of sweepers, it is not cleaned. As a result, the patients die like flies. Besides, the doctors and the nurses do not attend their duties. They come and go as they like. We have been facing these issues for a long time. We have complained often but have gotten no response from the concerned authorities. They do nothing but pretend. So you are humbly requested to do something favorable for the welfare of the people.
I hope my request will be accepted soon.

Thanking you
Yours faithfully

Your sanchit is living in Maru Nagar, Firozabad. Write a complaint letter to the municipal commissioner of your city about the irregular supply of electricity.

Maru Nagar

12 March 20XX

Municipal Commissioner
Municipal Corporation

Subject: irregular supply of electricity


               Most honorary, Most honorary, It is a matter of great regret that, in this modern era where everything is available at our door,Where our locality is facing the issue of irregular supply of electricity. Household works are pending due to irregular supply of electricity. Exams are at hand and children’s are not able to study due to irregular electricity.During power cuts many problems like robbery and theft increase. We have been facing these issues for a long time. We have complained often but have gotten no response from the concerned authorities. They do nothing but pretend. So you are humbly requested to do something favorable for the welfare of the people.

I hope my request will be accepted soon.

Thanking you
Yours faithfully


Your Sanchit is living in Maru Nagar, Firozabad. Write a complaint letter to the municipal commissioner of your city about the irregular supply of water.

Maru Nagar

12 March 20XX

Municipal Commissioner
Municipal Corporation

Subject: irregular supply of water.

                 Most honorary, Most honorary, It is a matter of great regret that, in this modern era where everything is available at our door,Where our locality is facing the issue of irregular supply of water. Household works are pending due to irregular supply of water. e to paucity/scarcity of drinking water, people stand in queue for hours with bucket and pots to fill water from midnight onwards. While filling water from the tap, people also start fighting with each other. We have been facing these issues for a long time. We have complained often but have gotten no response from the concerned authorities. They do nothing but pretend. So you are humbly requested to do something favorable for the welfare of the people.
I hope my request will be accepted soon.

Thanking you
Yours faithfully

Write a complaint later to your principal about the bedside behavior of the school librarian.

Class 12th
Room No. 16

March 13, 20XX

The Principal
Saint George School
Tara Pur

Subject: For the bad behavior of librarians.

           Most honorary, Most honorary, It is a matter of great regret that, The behaviour of librarian is becoming very rude and harsh nowadays. When he is asked something such as newspaper, magazine,books. He replies rudely. He is becoming impolite not only with the student but also with the teachers. We have been facing these issues for a long time. We have complained often but have gotten no response from the concerned authorities. They do nothing but pretend. So you are humbly requested to do something favorable for the welfare of the people.
I hope my request will be accepted soon.

Thanking you
Yours faithfully

Write a letter to the police station to close the wine shop near your school.

Saint Xavier School

20 October, 20XX

The Police Inspector
Police station

Subject: to close the wine shop near our school.

             Most honorary, Most honorary, It is a matter of great regret that, in this modern era where everything is available at our door,whrere threre is a wine shop near our school. it has a great attention of the school’s students. It has a lot of negative effects on the current generation. We have been facing these issues for a long time. We have complained often but have gotten no response from the concerned authorities. They do nothing but pretend. So you are humbly requested to do something favorable for the welfare of the people.
I hope my request will be accepted soon.

Thanking you
Yours faithfully
R.D Kiran

Job letter or Application

Write a job description to the manager of Hero Honda Motors for the vacant post of clerk.

Malviya Nagar

March 20, 20XX

The Manager
Hero Honda Motors

Subject: for the vacant post of clerk.

Most honorary, in response to your advertisement dated March 15, 20XX in Hindustan Times for the vacant seat of clerk, I want to apply for it. I have four years of experience in this post.
I am currently working at Bajaj Motors. My professional and personal lives are very hard to handle because of the long route. My family lives in Noida. I want to serve in your company. If I get a chance in your company, I will prove myself an asset for the company.
I hope my request will be accepted soon.
I am attaching all my other details along with it.

Thanking you
Yours faithfully

Enclosed: C.V.

Father’s Name
Date of BirthAge
Marital Status

Educational Qualification


Language Known



Permanant Address

Correspondence Address

Contact No.

Email ID

Niharika Jain
Ramakant Joshi
22/06/200023 years

MBA (college of Business Management)

5 years

Hindi, English

Good time Management

Reading and travelling

32-Pitam Pura Circle, New Delihi

13/2, Sarita Vihar, New Delhi


Letter to the Editor/Newspaper


Sender’s Address


Receiver Address


Most Honorary, through the columns of your esteemed newspaper, I would like to draw the kind attention of the concerned authorities and the public. …………………………….. ………………………………. ………………………….. …………………………. ……………….. …………………………..You are requested to publish my views in your esteemed newspaper so that the concerned authority or government may be awakened in time.

I hope my request will be accepted soon.

Thanking you
Yours faithfully


Write a letter to the editor on the issue of child labor.

Panch Mahal
Near the Post Office

March 10, 20XX

The Editor
India Today

Subject: on the issue of child labor.

                  Most Honorary, through the columns of your esteemed newspaper, I would like to draw the kind attention of the concerned authorities and the public to the issue of child labor. Child labor is growing day by day in our country. It is a crime in our country. Our constitution disallows anyone working anywhere before the age of 14, but these innocent children work in small factories for any tea stalls to survive. Some irresponsible people are the main cause of these problems. The government should implement strict rules against it. Public awareness is necessary. Poverty eradication steps should be taken by the government. You are requested to publish my views in your esteemed newspaper so that tletterelthe concerned authority or government may be awakened in time.

I hope my request will be accepted soon.

Thanking you
Yours faithfully
JS Dayashankar


Write a letter to the editor of Times Now on the issue of women’s foeticide.

Sheesh Mahal
Near the Post Office

March 10, 20XX

The Editor
Times Now

Subject: on the issue of women’s foeticide.

                        Most Honorary, through the columns of your esteemed newspaper, I would like to draw the kind attention of the concerned authorities and the public. Women’s forty-first year is growing day by day in our regular lives. Some cruel people in our society do not want a girl in their family. They think a girl is a huge burden for their family. It is often seen that girls are tortured mentally and physically for a little bit more dowry. Sometimes girls are burned alive for a little bit more dowry. Public awareness steps should be taken in this field. The detection of sex in a fetus should be completely banned.
You are requested to publish my views in your esteemed newspaper so that the concerned authority or government may be awakened in time.

I hope my request will be accepted soon.

Thanking you
Yours faithfully
R.K Gupta


Write a letter to the Editor of India Today on the issue of terrorism.

Rani Nagar
Near the Post Office

March 10, 20XX

The Editor
India Today

Subject: on the issue of terrorism.

              Most Honorary, through the columns of your esteemed newspaper, I would like to draw the kind attention of the concerned authorities and the public. Terrorism is growing day by day, not only in our country but also in the whole world. The biggest example of terrorism is the 2001 attack at the WTO in America. in which around 7,000 innocent people were killed. Terrorists have no real blood relations, no family relationships, and no nationality. They just want to kill people. They are bloodthirsty. The government should implement strict laws against it. All the countries should take collective steps against it.
You are requested to publish my views in your esteemed newspaper.

I hope my request will be accepted soon.

Thanking you
Yours faithfully

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