Paragraph on Traffic light and Zebra crossing

Paragraph on Traffic light and Zebra crossing

Write a paragraph/Picture composition using the details given below in about 60 words

Paragraph on Traffic light and Zebra crossing
Paragraph on Traffic light and Zebra crossing


This picture shows the traffic signals and Zebra Crossing. Seeing it people can learn about traffic signals. It tells us that pedestrians must cross the road at the Zebra crossin from there. People must follow the traffic signals. If we do not follow these rules, we can meet with any accident.g. Red light signal means to stop, yellow means to be ready to stop or move ahead and green means to move from there. People must follow the traffic signals. If we do not follow these rules, we can meet with any accident.

Write a paragraph/Picture composition using the details given below in about 60 words

Paragraph on Traffic light and Zebra crossing
Paragraph on the Traffic light and Zebra crossing


This image serves as an instructive illustration of traffic signals and the significance of zebra crossings in road safety. It imparts valuable lessons to the public, emphasizing that pedestrians should exclusively use zebra crossings for road-crossing purposes. It underscores the paramount importance of adhering to traffic signals. Failure to do so could result in potentially disastrous accidents. For clarity, the image elucidates the color-coded signals: red denotes an imperative stop, yellow implies readiness to halt or proceed with caution, and green authorizes movement. Reiterating, strict adherence to these traffic rules remains pivotal in averting potentially hazardous incidents and safeguarding all road users.

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