Phrasal Verb for Class 12 RBSE , Phrasal Verb Class XII


What is the Phrasal Verb?
A verb that is combined with an adverb or a preposition, or sometimes both, to give a new meaning, such as ‘look after’ or ‘put somebody off’

These Phrasal Verbs are in the RBSE (Rajasthan Board of Secondary Education)

1. Break
2. Bring
3. Carry
4. Come
5. Get
6. Put
7. Turn

Phrasal Verb for Class 12 RBSE
Phrasal Verb for Class 12 RBSE
1. Break

(1) break away- छुड़ाकर भाग जाना

1. The cow broke away and ran into the street.
2. He grabbed her, but she managed to break away.
3. She broke away from the pack and opened up a two-second lead.
4. I broke away from him and rushed out into the hall
5. He broke away from his captors and escaped

(2) break down-कोई मशीन खराब हो जाना, बीमारी अथवा भावना के कारण हताश हो जाना

1. Heera was going to Bharatpur by car. It broke down on the way.
2. Our car broke down and we had to push it off the road.
3. The telephone system has broken down.
4. When she heard the news of her father’s death, she broke down and wept bitterly.
5. She broke down in tears as she spoke to reporters.
6. He broke down and wept when he heard the news

(3) break off (to end a relationship) अचानक रुक जाना, समाप्त हो जाना

1. They’ve broken off their engagement.
2. The governments have broken off diplomatic relations.
3. Raju broke off in mid-sentence.
4. In 1965 India broke off its political relations with Pakistan.
5. He suddenly broke off in the middle of his speech.

(4) break out बीमारी, दंगा आदि अचानक फैल जाना, अचानक शुरू हो जाना

1. Fighting has broken out all over the city.
2. War broke out in 1914.
3. Cholera broke out into the city.
4. Many diseases have broken out in these camps.
5. The Second World War broke out in 1939.

(5) break into-चोरी से अथवा जबरदस्ती घुसना (to enter (a house, etc) illegally, especially by force

1. Her house was broken into last week.
2. Someone broke into my car and stole the radio.
3. The burglar broke into the house and took away two boxes.

(6) break with: मित्रता या संबंध तोड़ना

1. I cannot think of breaking with him..
2. He broke with his former friends and colleagues when he decided to support the conservative candidate
3. We decided to break with tradition and not spend the holidays with our family.

(8) break up-to disperse; to dissolve; विसर्जन या समाप्त होना

1. The meeting broke up just before lunch.
2. The meeting broke up in confusion
3. Jenny and George have broken up

2. Bring

(1) bring about- बनाना, घटित होना

1. The government brought about many plans.
2. she brought about a revolution in psychoanalysis”
3. Science has brought about many fundamental changes in our thinking

(2) bring down- कम करना

1. The Government is trying to bring down prices.
2. This scandal could bring down the country’s government.
3. Military historians may never know what brought down the jet.

(3) bring out बाहर निकालना, प्रगट करना, तो produce something

1. the magazine will also be bringing out a book in November to celebrate its 40th anniversary
2. They keep bringing out smaller phones
3. He will bring out my book on grammar. The inquiry will bring out many new facts.

(4) bring in कमाना- (of a jury) to give a decision in court.

1. He brings in twenty thousand rupees a month.
2. the jury brought in a unanimous verdict.

(5) bring up- लालन पालन करना

1. He has a large family to bring up.
2. She was brought up by her grandmother.
3. He was brought up in a princely manner.

(6) bring forth- to produce- उत्पन्न करना

1. Hard work brings forth success.

→ give birth to- जन्म देना

1. A lioness brings forth one cub at a time.
2. She brought forth a son.

(7) bring forward-to bring into notice- जानकारी में लाना

1. The suggestions brought forward by him were rejected.
2. I realize that when I bring forward proposals they will have to be judged on their merits”

(8) bring round- to convert to one’s विचार परिवर्तित करना

1. He finally brought his father around to his own point of view.
2. “she administered artificial respiration and brought him round”

(9) bring on lead to help to produce- पैदा करना

1. Dirt often brings on disease.

(10) bring over-convert- पक्ष में लाना

1. They brought him over to the side of the govt.

(11) bring under-to subdue- दमन करना

1. The rebels were quickly brought under

Phrasal Verb for Class 12 RBSE , Phrasal Verb Class XII

3. Carry

(1) carry off बिना अनुमति अथवा बलपूर्वक ले जाना

1. The thieves broke into the shop and carried off all the jewellery.
2. Thieves broke the store window and carried off jewelry worth thousands of dollars.

(2) carry on- जारी रखना

1. You can carry on your work without fear.
2. Let’s carry on this discussion at some other time

(3) carry out पालन करना, निर्देशानुसार कार्य करना

1. The teachers carry out the orders of the Principal.
2. They carried out their plan without any difficulty.

( 4) carry over स्थगित करना

1. There was no time to discuss the proposal so the committee carried it over to the next meeting.

(5) carry away-to charm- लुभाना

1. He was carried away by her beauty.

(6) carry through- 1. complete something- पूरा करना

1. Always carry through the work you undertake.

→support to the end-

1. His labor and honesty carried him through his all misfortunes.

4. PUT

Put off- स्थगित करना (If you put something off, you delay doing it)

  1. We will have to put off our plans for a year.
  2. The Association has put the event off until October.

put out बुझाना

She tried to light a candle but the rain put it out.
The wind put the lamp out. He put out the lamp and went to bed.

(3) put up-ऊपर करना, प्रस्तुत करना (construct or erect something.)

  1. “I put up the tent and cooked a meal”
  2. The matter was put up before the officer.
  3. she put up a sign advertising the guest house 

(4) put away उचित स्थान पर रख देना

  1. The librarian put away the book and went home.
  2. The decorations were boxed up and put away for next year

(5) put down दबा देना (विद्रोह)   (to reduce a price or a charge)

  1. Shops are being forced to put their prices down in order to attract customers.
  2. It’s time that the government put down interest rates.
  3. The army put down the riots.

(6) put in व्यवसाय आदि में धन / परिश्रम लगाना (apply/request/submit)

  1. Suresh put in Rs. 25.000 in business.
  2. Raman put in 2000 in the bank.

(7) put by-save- बचाना (save money for future use.)

  1. She puts in some money for hard times.
  2. Putting some money by every month is a great habit

( 8) put into-to drag into- घसीटना / (to give money or effort to an activity)

  1. We put all our profits back into the company.
  2. She’s put a lot of energy into making the house look nice.
  3. Don’t put me into the argument.

(9) put on-to dress पहनना

  1. She puts on a new dress every day.
  2. He put on the new clothes on Diwali.

(10) put up with-to endure- सहन करना (tolerate)

  1. I can’t put up with this insult.
  2. I don’t know how she puts up with him

(11) put forth- निकलना

  1. Trees put forth new leaves in spring.
  2. The trees are putting forth new green shoots


(1) turn away- वापस भेजना /किसी व्‍यक्ति या वस्‍तु से नज़र हटा ले

  1. He has turned away three applications. 
  2. She turned away in horror at the sight of the blood.
  3. Turning refugees away would be an inhumane action.

(2) turn down- इनकार करना / अस्वीकार करना

  1. She turned down my request for travelling together. 

(3) turn on खेलना / निर्भर करना/चालू करना

  1. Don’t turn on the tap so frequently.
  2. The story turns on the hero’s decision to take the job.

(4) turn off- बंद करना

  1. Would you mind turning off the radio?

(5) turn out सिद्ध होना / उत्पन्न परिणाम देना। उत्पादन होना शामिल होना

  1. It turned out to be a spy.

(6) turn to- go to somebody/something for help, advice, etc.

  1. After finishing her work, she turned to her daughter.

(7) turn up : आना, बुलावे पर आना

  1. He turned up one morning and surprised us.
  2. He did not turn up at the meeting. 

(8) turn about-to face in the opposite direction- विपरीत घूमना 

  1. If you just turn about, you will see a very amusing scene. 

(9) turn aside-to deviate-forefer विचलित होना

  1. Never turn aside from the path of virtue.

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