Two Stories About Flying Class 10 English Summary – Topper Solutions

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Short Summary of His First Flight
This is an imaginary story. The story conveys the message that one learns by taking courage and not by sitting idle. A young seagull is fed lovingly by his parents. But when the time comes for him to fly, he feels afraid. His parents try many tricks to teach him to fly. But he is so afraid that he refuses to fly. At last, his mother hits upon a plan. She tempts him with food in her beak. But she only flies near his ledge but does not and there. In order to get food, the hungry seagull comes to the edge of the rock and falls from it. At first, he is terrified but then he opens his wings and starts flying. He is happy to note that he did not fall in the sea. In this way, the young seagull learns how to fly.

Summary of His First Flight in English

story of a young seagull who was afraid of flying. He did not have confidence. He thought that his wings were not strong enough to support him. All the family members had already left him. They tried to encourage him to fly but failed. He was left alone on the ledge. There was a wide chasm between him and his parents.

He tried to reach his parents and took a little run also but the sight of the widespread green sea frightened him apd he ran back into his nest. His brothers and sister had already learned the art of flight.

But the young seagull could not muster the courage to take that plunge which appeared to him so difficult. His parents came around calling to him, shrilly upbraiding him, threatening to let him starve. But the young seagull did not move.

He was alone for 24 hours and ate nothing. He was hungry. He wanted to reach his parents who were sitting opposite to him but without flying. There was a wide gap between the two rocks. There was no possibility of reaching there without flying. He saw his brothers and sister who were flying and catching the fish. They taunted him for his co-wordiness. He wanted to follow them. but the fear stopped him.

He was extremely hungry. He saw his family taking rest on the rock opposite to him. He tried to attract their attention by pretending to be sleeping. But nobody noticed him. His mother was looking at him. The young seagull cried begging her to bring him some food. But she did not respond.

After some time, his mother picked up a piece of fish and flew across him. He was excited on seeing his mother picking up a piece of fish and flying across him. He was excited on seeing his mother coming towards him. He uttered a joyful cry.

He leaned out eagerly, tapping the rock with his feet. But when she was just opposite to him, she halted. The young seagull was surprised. The sight of fish in her beak maddened him. He could not control himself and dived at the fish. The mother flew over him.

He fell downwards with a loud scream. But his wings opened up automatically. He cried and to save himself he flapped his wings. Now he felt as if he was soaring in the sky. He was not falling headlong now. He flapped his wings once again and soared upwards.

He gave a joyous scream now. He was joined by his family in his first flight. He was near the sea now. He saw a vast green sea beneath him. His parents and other family members landed on the sea. They called the young seagull also. He dropped his legs to stand on the sea. His legs sank into it. He screamed with fright and attempted to rise. But he was too weak and exhausted to rise.

His feet sank into the seawater and then his body touched it. He sank no further. Now he was floating happily. His family praised him for his efforts and offered him scrapped dog-fish. He had made his first flight successfully.

Summary of The Black Aeroplane in English
The Black Aeroplane Summary

This is a mysterious story. The writer was flying his Dakota aeroplane. Suddenly, he was caught in a big cloud and his compass, radio and other instruments failed. There was not much fuel in his plane. Suddenly he saw a black aeroplane near him. The pilot in that plane guided him. As a result he was able to land safely. But he was greatly surprised when the woman at the control centre told him that there had been no other plane except the writer’s Dakota on the sky that night.

The author says that he was flying an aeroplane at 1 o’clock at night. The moon was coming up in the east behind him. Stars were shining in the clear sky above him. He was flying his old Dakota aeroplane over France, back to England. He was dreaming of his holiday. He was looking forward to being with his family.

He decided to call Paris control. He then radioed to it. He told it that he was on his way to England. He duly turned to that direction. Paris control duly acknowledged. It advised him to turn twelve degrees west.

He duly turned to that direction. Everything was going well. Paris was about 150 kilometres behind him. Then he saw the storm clouds. They looked like black mountains in front of him. He knew he could not fly up and over them.

He decided to go back to Paris. But he also wanted to get home. So, he took the risk and flew into the storm. He could see nothing outside his aeroplane. Everything was black. The old aeroplane jumped and twisted in the air. He looked at the compass. It was gone. He tried to contact Paris control. He was lost in the storm.

Then in the black clouds, he saw another aeroplane. It had no lights on its wings. He could see it flying next to him in the storm. He was glad to see another person. He was signaling to follow him. The author thought he was trying to help him. So, he followed him. He flew for half an hour. He had fuel to last for five or ten minutes. He began to feel frightened. Then he started to go down.

Suddenly he was on the runway. He looked for his friend in the black aeroplane. He wanted to thank him. But the sky was empty. He went into the control tower. He asked a woman where he was. She looked at him strangely and then she laughed. She told that there was no other aeroplane except that of his.

The author was wonderstruck. He wondered who had helped him to arrive there. He was without a compass or a radio and without any more fuel in his tanks, who was the pilot on the strange black aeroplane, flying in the storm without lights.

Two Stories about Flying Class 10 Textual Exercises Questions and Answers


(Page 36)

Question 1.
Why was the young seagull afraid to fly ? Do you think all young birds are afraid to make their first flight, or are some birds more timid than others ? Do you think a human baby also finds it a challenge to take its first steps ?
The young seagull was afraid to fly. When he tried to flap his wings to fly, fear caught him.

I think all birds are afraid to fly for the first time. Secondly, some birds are more timid than others.

I think a human baby also faces difficulties in taking the first steps for anything. This is seen in his shaking legs and weak movements.

Question 2.
“The sight of the food maddened him.” What does this suggest ? What compelled the young seagull to finally fly ?
This suggests the sight of food made the seagull risk flying for the first time. The control over flying fear made him finally fly.

Question 3.
“They were beckoning to him, calling shrilly.” Why did the seagull’s father and mother threaten him and cajole him to fly ?
The seagull’s father and mother made him to fly. It was because if he did not fly, he would starve to death.

Question 4.
Have you ever had a similar experience, where your parents encouraged you to do something that you were too scared to try ? Discuss this in pairs or groups.
Yes, I had had a similar experience when my parents made me ride the bicycle. They seated me on its saddle and slowly moved it. I feared that if they let me alone, I would fall down. I moved this way or that in fear at first. But courage and confidence came to me and I controlled the bicycle. (To be discussed in groups)

Question 5.
In the case of a bird flying, it seems a natural act, and a foregone conclusion that it should succeed. In the examples you have given in answer to the previous question, was your success guaranteed, or was it important for you to try, regardless of a possibility of failure ?
My success was not guaranteed. What was important was that I must try. Trying to do things matters, not the result—success or failure. If one is afraid of failure and takes no action, one surely fails. But one must not feel let down. It is trying that matters the most.


(Page 40)

Question 1.
“I’ll take the risk.” What is the risk ? Why does the narrator take it ?
The ‘risk’ is flying the old Dakota aeroplane straight into the storm. It was because the author wanted to get home to be present at the breakfast table.

Question 2.
Describe the narrator’s experience as he flew the aeroplane into the storm.
The narrator found that suddenly there was blackness around him inside the clouds. He could see nothing. The aeroplane jumped and twisted in the air. The instruments like the compass couldn’t work. The radio also did not work. He was lost in the storm. Then he saw another aeroplane. It had no light on its wings. But it guided him ahead. Then it disappeared when the author was safe. The black clouds were behind him as he was out of them. He was now safe.

Question 3.
Why does the narrator say, “I landed and was not sorry to walk away from the old Dakota…” ?
The author was not sorry to walk away from the old Dakota. It was because it had saved his life. It along with the mysterious aeroplane had saved his life.

Question 4.
What made the woman in the control centre look at the narrator strangely ?
Why did the lady in the control room give the pilot a puzzled look ? (CBSE 2012)
The narrator asked the lady about the mysterious aeroplane that had guided him through the dark clouds to safety. But there was no such aeroplane over there. The lady did not see nor did she come into contact with that aeroplane. So the narrator’s asking question about that aeroplane startled her. She gave him a puzzled look.

Question 5.
Who do you think helped the narrator to reach safely ? Discuss this among yourselves and give reasons for your answer.
I think that some supernatural power helped the narrator to reach safqly. Otherwise how could he fly safely through those dark clouds ? The things that suggest this are : The appearance of the mysterious aeroplane at that particular time ; how it knew the narrator was in trouble ; how the pilot of the mysterious plane could guide him ; where it disappeared ; why the control tower had no such contact, etc.

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His First Flight (Two Stories about Flying Part 1) Extra Questions

Very Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1. Why did the seagull dive towards his mother?


The seagull dove towards his mother because he wanted the fish in his mother’s beak.

Question 2. Why did the seagull not go with the rest of his family?


He did not go because he was afraid to fly.

Question 3. How did the family show their happiness for the young seagull?


They offered him scraps of dog fish through their beaks.

Question 4. For how long had the seagull been alone?


He had been alone for the last twenty-four hours.

Question 5. Why was he afraid to fly?


He was afraid to fly because his wings would never support him.

Question 6. What were the ways the seagull had thought of to join his family?


He thought of joining his family by jumping and by walking up to them.

Question 7. Where did young seagull live?


The young seagull lived alone on his ledge.

Question 8. Who included the seagull’s family except him?


There were five members in his family except for him-his father, mother. two brothers and a sister.

Question 9. What did he see throughout the day?


He saw his parents perfecting his brothers and sister in the art of flying.

Question 10. What sight maddened the young seagull?


The sight of food maddened him

Question 11. Who had already landed on the green flooring?


His parents, brothers and sister had already landed on the green flooring.

Question 12. Where did he sleep that night?


He slept in a little hole under the ledge.

Question 13. Why was the seagull afraid to fly?


He was afraid to fly because he felt that his wings could not support him.

Question 14. Why was the young seagull alone?


The young seagull was alone because his two brothers and sister had already flown.

Question 15. He stood at the edge of the ledge on one leg and closed his eyes. Why?


He wanted to get the attention of his family.

Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1. How does author describe the young seagull’s fear of flying?


The young seagull was afraid of flying. He wanted it to fly. But he was greatly afraid to flying. When he flapped his wings he became afraid. He would die if he tried to fly. The sea stretched down beneath. He felt certain that his wings would never support him. So he bent on his head and ran away back to the little hole. He could not fly.

Question 2. How did the mother ‘trick’ the young seagull into flying?


The young seagull cried for some food as he was greatly hungry. He felt the fear of flying. His mother screamed back. He kept calling her. She picked up a piece of fish. She then flew across to him but not to him. He leaned out trying to get nearer her to get food from her. She halted with the fish in her beak but did not go to him. This way she ‘tricked’ the seagull into flying.

Question 3. Why didn’t the young seagull take the plunge? What stopped him from doing so?


The young seagull was the only one in the family who couldn’t fly in the air. His brothers and sister had far shorter wings than his wings but they had already learned the art of flying. He felt certain that his wings would never support him. So he was hesitant and afraid of flapping his wings and go deep in the air.

Question 4. How did the hungry seagull try to pretend to attract his mother’s attraction?


The whole family had flown away. Only the young seagull sat alone on the ledge. He had not eaten anything since the previous nightfall. He stepped slowly out to the brink of the ledge. He stood on one leg. He closed his eyes pretending to be falling asleep. But all his tactics failed. Only his mother took notice of him. All others ignored him.

Question 5. What did the young seagull do when he was maddened by hunger? Did hunger motivate him to dive at the fish in the air?


The young seagull saw his mother flying around him with a piece of fish in her beak. Maddened by hunger, he dived at the fish. With a loud scream, he fell outwards and downwards into space. Then he was seized with fear and his heart stood still. But the fear lasted only for a minute. The very next moment he felt his wings spread outwards. Truly, hunger motivated him to dive at the fish and flap his wings into space.

Question 6. Describe the seagull’s first flight.


The young seagull was very hungry. So he dived at the fish that was in his mother’s beak. But he fell into space and became terribly afraid. His heart stood still. He could hear nothing. But it only lasted for a minute. The next moment he felt his wings spread outwards. He began to fly and was no longer afraid.

Question 6

Did the seagull think the sea was like land?


Yes, the seagull thought that the sea was like land. He called it the green (looting. When he had learned how to fly, he flew for some time. Then he came down and stood on the sea surface thinking it to be like land

Question 7

Why was the seagull crying?

When he saw his mother holding a piece of a fish in her beak, the young seagull became almost mad with hunger. He cried “Ga, ga, ga”. He begged her mother to bring him some food. When he saw his mother flying across to him with a piece of fish, he uttered a joyful scream.

Question 8

Who was afraid to fly?

The young seagull was afraid to fly because he did not have the courage to fly . Although , he trief to flap his wings , he was afraid that he wuld not be able to fly . The vast sea beneath too frightened him . His two brothers and sister had already flown away the day before.

Question 9

Why was the seagull hungry?

the young seagull was hungry for last 24hr because the seagull brother and sister flying in the sky or food was found. His father said,” we will not give a food until dear to fly”.

Question 9

Why did seagull’s parents scold him?

The young seagull was afraid to fly. Even after seeing his parents teaching and helping his brothers and sisters to fly, he still could not gather enough courage to take his first flight. That is why his father and mother were scolding and taunting him for his cowardice.

Black Aeroplane (Two Stories about Flying Part 2) Extra Questions

Very Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1. Did Paris control hear the pilot the second time he called? Why?


The Paris Control did not hear him because his radio had gone dead.

Question 2. What type of story is the ‘Black Aeroplane?’


It is a mysterious story.

Question 3. How many fuel tanks were there on the plane? How much fuel was left?


There were two fuel tanks on the plane. There was fuel for five or ten minutes only.

Question 4. How did the clouds look?


The clouds looked like black mountains.

Question 5. Why was the pilot happy? Give two reasons


He was happy because he was flying up above the sleeping countryside. Secondly, he was going to be with his family.

Question 6. Where was the speaker going and how?


The speaker was going to England and he was flying his old Dakota aeroplane.

Question 7. Which country was the narrator flying his plane over?


He was flying his plane over France.

Question 8. What was the advice of the Paris Control?


The Paris Control advised him to turn twelve degrees west.

Question 9. Why did the pilot fly straight into the storm instead of returning to Paris?


He did not return to Paris because he wanted to get home.

Question 10. Why did the pilot call the Paris Control Room the first time?


He called the Paris Control Room to guide him on his way to England.

Question 11. What did the pilot encounter 150 kilometres from Paris?


He encountered big stormy clouds 150 kilometres from Paris.

Question 12. What did the speaker see suddenly?


The speaker saw suddenly an another aeroplane in the black clouds.

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Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1. Why the black aeroplane is called ‘strange’?


Because it suddenly appeared before the pilot of Dakota-088 aeroplane in the dark mysterious clouds. It had no lights on its wings. Then it was flying ahead of the Dakota-088 aeroplane to guide it through the clouds. Then it disappeared and there was no trace of it anywhere.

Question 2. Why does the narrator say, “I landed and was not sorry to walk away from the old Dakota…”?


After landing, the narrator was not sorry to walk away from the old Dakota because he had a horrific and fearsome experience flying that plane. He was happy that he had landed the plane safely. That is why he was not sorry to walk away. Instead, he wanted to know where he was and who the other pilot was.

Question 3. “I’ll take the risk.” What is the risk? Why does the narrator take it?


The risk was to fly through the black storm clouds. The narrator who was a pilot was decided to take the risk as he was going on holiday to meet his family and spend some good time with them. He also wanted to get home in time to enjoy a good English breakfast.

Question 4. Describe the narrator’s experience as he flew the aeroplane into the storm.


As he flew the aeroplane into the storm, everything went black. The plane began to turn and twist in the air. The entire instrument panel was dead. The pilot could not find whether which direction to go. Suddenly, he saw another aeroplane. Its pilot waved at him, asking him to follow. He was glad to find a helper. Following that strange aeroplane, the pilot came out of the storm and reached his destination.

Question 5. What did he do when he was inside the clouds?


The narrator took the risk of entering the black storm clouds. Inside them, everything was suddenly black. Nothing could be seen outside. The old plane jumped and twisted in the air. He couldn’t believe his eyes when his compass was dead. His other instruments didn’t work and were dead too. He tried to contact Paris control on the raids but received no answer.

Question 6. Why could the woman in the control room not help the pilot of Dakota?


When the pilot of the Dakota plane asked the woman in the control centre about the black aeroplane and its pilot, she could not help him because she had seen no other plane flying that night on the radar.

Question 7. What did the writer feel inside the clouds?


When the writer entered the clouds, it became impossible to see outside the aeroplane. The aeroplane jumped and twisted in the air and all the instruments like compass, etc stopped working due to the weather conditions.

Question 8. How and when did the narrator feel that he was safe now?


When the pilot of another plane came to the narrator’s help, he was extremely happy. When he said “Follow me,” the narrator obeyed him like an obedient child. The strange black aeroplane was still guiding him. The narrator got worried as the old Dakota had petrol enough to fly for five or ten minutes. Suddenly when he was going down, he found himself out of clouds. He saw two long straight lines of lights of the runway. There was an airport where he could land safely.

Question 9. What is the message that Frederick want to give to the readers through the lesson ‘The Black Aeroplane’?


Never say ‘die’ till the end. Never lose hope in the most hopeless situation. No one knows who may come to save you. The narrator was really in such a hopeless situation when he lost contact with Paris control and all his instruments and the compass was dead. Then came the mysterious pilot of the black aeroplane to guide the narrator to safety.

Question 10. Why did the writer follow the pilot of another aeroplane? ‘


The writer followed another aeroplane because he had lost the way in the storm and was unable to see
anything. The pilot of another aeroplane was helping him to get out of the storm and land safely.

Long Answer type questions of chapter 3 English Two Stories about Flights

Question 1. How was the writer rescued?


The writer flew his plane into the big dark clouds. As he entered the clouds, everything suddenly went black. He found that his compass had ceased to work. He tried to contact the Paris Control for directions. But he was shocked to find that his radio had also stopped working. Suddenly, the writer saw a black aeroplane near him. He could also sec the pilot in it. The pilot waved the writer to follow him. He followed the black aeroplane like an obedient child. Now it was half an hour since the writer had been follow-, the black aeroplane. He was worried because the fuel in his plane could last only five or ten minutes. But just’ then the black aeroplane started to go down and the writer followed it. Suddenly the writer was out of the doods. He could see the lights of the runway of the airport. The writer landed his Dakota aeroplane. In this, may, he was rescued.

Question 2. Describe the appearance of the strange black aeroplane in the most hopeless situation. How did the pilot of the black aeroplane help the narrator to come out of the storm clouds and land safely?


The narrator was really in deep trouble. The huge mountains of black clouds were around him. The old Dakota aeroplane was jumping and twisting in the air. His compass was dead. The other instruments were dead too. Nothing worked for him. Even his efforts to contact Paris control failed. The radio was dead too. In such a hopeless situation, the sudden appearance of a mysterious black aeroplane was like God’s sent help for him. There were no lights on the wings of that black aeroplane. The narrator could see the pilot’s face. He was saying “Follow me”. The narrator was totally lost. He thought that the pilot was trying to help him. So he followed the black aeroplane like an obedient child. He was frightened as he had fuel enough to last for five or ten minutes. Suddenly, he came out of the clouds. He saw two long straight lines of lights in front of him. It was a runway. “An airport!” he cried. He was out of danger and could land safely. He turned to look for his rescuer in the black aeroplane, but the sky was empty.

Question 3

Justify the title of the story ‘The Black Aeroplane

Ans. The title of the story is apt and suggestive. The whole story centres around the black aeroplane that saves the narrator’s acroplane from a certain crash and disaster. This plane, the black aeroplane, arouses the curiosity of the readers and they remain in suspense about it. However, it is only at the end of the story that the reader comes to know the fact. There was no other plane flying at that time on account of the storm. The narrator’s plane was the only one that come on the radar.

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Passage of Chapter 3 English Class 10 Two Stories about Flying

Passage of Chapter 3 English Class 10 Two Stories about Flying (His First Flight)

Passage 1

He saw his two brothers and his sister lying on the plateau dozing with their heads sunk into their necks. His father was preening the feathers on his white back. Only his mother was looking at him. She was standing on a little high hump on the plateau, her white breast thrust forward. Now and again, she tore at a piece of fish that lay at her feet and then scrapped each side of her beak on the rock. The sight of the food maddened him. How he loved to tear food that way. scrapping his beak now and again to whet it.

Questions: 1. Tick the correct answers:

(i) What were the young seagull’s brothers and sister doing on the plateau?

(a) They were walking and cackling happily.

(b) They were dozing.

(c) They were enjoying their meal.

(d) They were making merry.

(b) What maddened the young seagull?

(a) The cackle of his brothers and sister.

(b) The sight of his mother looking at him.

(c) The sight of the food (the piece of fish).

(d) None of the above.

2. (i) What was his father doing?

(ii) What was his mother doing?

3. (i) Find out the word from the passage which means-trimming feathers with beak’.

(ii) Give the opposite of-‘maddened’.


1. (i) (b)
(ii) (c)
2. (i) He was preening the feathers on his white back. (ii) She was standing on a raised part of the plateau and tearing at a piece of fish.

3. (i) Preening.
(ii) Pleased or gratified.

Passage 2

That was twenty-four hours ago. Since then nobody had come near him. The day before, all day long, he had watched his parents flying about with his brothers and sister, perfecting them in the art of flight, teaching them how to skim the waves and how to dive for fish. He had, in fact, seen his older brother catch his first herring and devour it, standing on a rock, while his parents circled around raising a proud cackle. And all the morning the whole family had walked about on the big plateau midway down the opposite cliff taunting him with his cowardice. Questions:

1. Tick the correct answers:

(i) The young seagull’s parents were the day before.

(a) Flying and catching fish.

(b) Enjoying themselves with his brothers and sister.

(c) Perfecting his brothers and sister in the arts of flight, skimming and diving.

(d) All the above.

(ii) Why did the young seagull’s parents circle around raising a proud cackle?

(a) They were happy with the progress of their babies.

(b) They were happy to see his older brother catch his first herring and eat it greedily.

(c) They were calling the young seagull to the place where they were. (d) None of the above.

2. (1) For how long had the young seagull been alone on his ledge?

(ii) Why were the young seagull’s family taunting him?

3. (i) Give a synonym for-‘a soft finned sea fish’. (ii) Give an antonym for ‘cowardice’.

Answers :

1. (i) (c)

(ii) (b)

2. (1) The young seagull had been alone on his ledge for twenty-four hours.

(ii) The young seagull’s family were taunting him due to his cowardice for refusing to fly away.

Passage of Chapter 3 English Class 10 Two Stories about Flying (The Black Aeroplane)

Passage 1

The moon was coming up in the east, behind me, and stars were shining in the clear sky above me. There wasn’t a cloud in the sky. I was happy to be alone high up above the sleeping countryside. I was flying my old Dakota aeroplane over France back to England. I was dreaming of my holiday and looking forward |to being with my family. I looked at my watch: one thirty in the morning.

‘I should call Paris Control soon,’ I thought. As I looked down past the nose of the aeroplane, I saw the lights of a big city in front of me. I switched on the radio and said, “Paris Control, Dakota DS 088 here. Can you hear me? I’m on my |way to England. Over.” Questions :

1. Tick (✓) the correct answers :

(i) What kind of mood was the narrator in ?

(a) He was happy.

(c) He was frightened.

(b) He was sad.

(d) He was feeling sleepy.

(ii) “I saw the lights of a big city in front of me”. Which city did he see the lights of?

(a) London

(b) Paris

(c) Madrid

(d) Rome

2. (i) Where was the narrator going to and why?

(ii) What time was it by his watch? 3. (i) Find out the word or expression in the passage which means-Awaiting eagerly’.

(ii) Give the opposite of ‘switched on’.


1. (i) (a) (ii) (b)

2. (1) He was going to England. He was going home to spend his holiday with his family.

(ii) It was one thirty in the morning by his watch.

3. (i) Looking forward to.

(ii) Switched off.

Passage 2

I’ll be in time for breakfast. I thought. A good big English breakfast!

Everything was going well-it was an easy flight. Paris was about 150 kilometres behind me when I saw the clouds, Storm clouds. They were huge. They looked like black mountains standing in front of me across the sky. I knew I could not fly up and over them, and I did not have enough fuel to fly around them to the north or south. “I ought to go back to Paris,” I thought, but I wanted to get home. I wanted

that breakfast. ‘T’ll take the risk,’ I thought, and flew that old Dakota straight into the storm.


1. Tick(✓) the correct answers:

(i) What was he expecting regarding his breakfast?

(a) That he would be late for his breakfast.

(b) That he would be in time for breakfast, a good big English breakfast.

(c) That he would be late for breakfast but in time for lunch.

(d) That he hated English breakfast.

(ii) Why did he not decide to go back to Paris?

(a) He always liked going forward.

(b) He had left Paris far behind.

(c) He wanted to get home and enjoy his favourite English breakfast,

(d) He liked taking risks.

2. (i) What was special about the storm clouds?

(ii) Why could he not bypass the storm clouds?

3. (i) Find out the word from the passage which means-Material as a source of fire or power.’

(ii) Give the opposite of ‘huge’.


1. (i) (b)

(ii) (c)

2. (i) They were huge and looked like black mountains.

(ii) He could not fly up and over them. Also, he did not have enough fly around them. So he could not bypass them.

3. (i) Fuel.

(ii) Tiny or small.

Passage 3

Paris Control? Paris Control? Can you hear me?

There was no answer. The radio was dead too. I had no radio, no compass, and I could not see where I was. I was lost in the storm. Then, in the black clouds quite near me, I saw another acroplane, It had no lights on its wings, but I could see it flying next to me through the storm. I could see the pilot’s face-turned

towards me. I was very glad to see another person. He lifted one hand and waved.

“Follow me.” he was saying. “Follow me.”

‘He knows that I am lost. I thought. ‘He’s trying to help me.”


1. Tick (✔) the correct answers: (i) “I was lost in the storm”. The narrator said so because-

(a) He was too drunk to see clearly.

(b) He had lost his radio and compass.

(c) He had suddenly lost his eye-sight.

(d) The compass and the radio had gone dead and he could not see

where he was.

(ii) “I was very glad to see another person.” Who is the another person’


(a) A piece of cloud looking like the figure of a man.

(b) Some imaginery man. (c) The pilot of another plane.

(d) None of the above.

2. (i) What was the peculiar fact about another aeroplane? (ii) What did the narrator think when the pilot of another plane said, “Follow me”?

3. (i) Find out the word from the passage which means-‘moved hand to and fro as signal.

(ii) Give the opposite of ‘glad’

Answers :

1. (i) (d). (ii) c

2. (i) The peculiar fact about another aeroplane was that it had no lights on its wings.

(ii) The narrator thought that the pilot of another aeroplane knew that he (the narrator) was lost and that he was trying to help him.

3. (i) Waved.

(ii) Sad or or gloomy

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Question 1

Draw a character-sketch of the narrator-pilot.

Ans. The narrator-pilot has many qualities of head and heart. He is an expert in the art of flying aircraft. He flies an old Dakota. Once he is trapped in stormy black clouds. All the instruments in his aeroplane become suddenly dead. The compass and the radio fail to work. Even then, he keeps his nerve and follows another aeroplane, the black aeroplane, that happens to be flying next to his plane. It is his determination, courage and skill that saves him. He loves his family and takes great risk to be with it.

Question 2

Draw a character-sketch of Young Seagull

The Young Seagull was a timid sea bird. He hesitated and feared to fly. In vain, his parents tried every effort to teach the young seagull to fly. He lacked confidence. He thought that his wings would not support him. He also enjoyed comfort and never offered to assist in looking for food. His parents, brothers, and sister took off ahead of him, flying on the green sea, leaving him on his own to fend for himself. To attract his family’s attention, he stood there on one leg while appearing to be asleep. He looked around for food when he was extremely hungry. When he was unable to find anything to eat nearby, he begged his mother to give him food. The mother flew with the piece of fish towards the young seagull. When she reached over him, she became motionless in the air. She did not get down on the rock. The young seagull bent forward and jumped to grab the fish. He got frightened and started to flap his wings to save himself from falling. Thus he took his first flight out of hunger and was no longer afraid of it.

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